Week 1: The 'body' of the automatic following car was finished

Our work:

1.     Build the body of the automatic following car
2.     Collect some data about the communication between two Arduinos.


Firstly, we used a plank to simulate the ‘body’ of the carriage. Secondly, some screws and nuts were used to fix the motors to the plank. Next, we used a motor driver L293D to control the speed and the direction of the two motors at the same time. We found some information of this IC in the internet. The interpretations of each pin mode of this motor driver can be found in the figure below. The link of that web page is: https://roboindia.com/tutorials/nodemcu-motor-driver-pwm

Figure 1: The pin mode of L293D

After learning some basic knowledge of the L293D, we connected the output 3, 4 and GND of the L293D to the motor and the input 3, 4 and enable1/2 to the Arduino. Next, we started to program the motor. The codes can be seen in the figure below. We set the inputs and the outputs first, and then we set a PMW wave to control the motor. 

Figure 2: The codes of the motor

After that, we did some search in order to let two Arduinos ‘talk’ to each other. We have tested several methods, however, the problem have not been solved yet.


Figure 3: The connection of the ‘body’ of the baby carriage

1.     We cannot make two Arduinos to communicate with each other.

As a result, we did some basic work this week. We developed the ‘body’ of the automatic following car and we also found some useful information to solve the ‘communication problem’.

Here comes the plan for next week:
1.     Solve the ‘communication problem’
2.     Install the ultrasonic device
3.     Collect some data about using the Bluetooth module



Week 4: We got it

All the test videos

Week 3: We are almost there